Welcome to the first edition of our electronic newsletter. With the majority of you subscribing to receive email, we saw this as an effective channel for reaching out with the latest credit union news each quarter. It’s a more cost-effective means of communication than paper and there’s less waste for the environment.
Recently, we marked a significant milestone in the construction of our new headquarters located on the corner of Elm and Salmon Streets in Manchester. It was a thrill for myself and our management team and volunteer board to sign the last beam and observe it being raised to the top of the three-story structure with the American flag securely attached. We’re eager to bring you drive-up service, plenty of onsite parking, and convenient access from the Amoskeag Bridge at our new facility next fall.
Despite the challenges we’ve all faced due to the pandemic, we’re happy to say we were able to serve you safely throughout 2020. Although our lobbies are currently closed to walk-in traffic, our drive-up service remains available and we’re taking in-person appointments for certain non-cash services. And now that we offer video banking, you can meet with us face-to-face without an appointment. Just visit our website to start a video call.
For your continued safety, we strongly encourage you to use our contactless services referenced in this How-To Guide. With services like video banking, mobile banking, remote check deposit and online applications, you can do much of your banking independently. If you need assistance signing up for any of these services, please let our member service team know and they’ll be happy to assist.
All of us at Members First wish you the best of health and wellness in the year ahead.
Bruce B. Leighton