MANCHESTER, NH (September 4, 2024) — Today marks a historic day at Members First Credit Union as we welcome our newest team member: Abbi! Weighing in at just a few pounds (for now), Abbi is the new puppy of our CEO, and she's already hard at work — roaming the halls, sniffing out opportunities, and melting hearts.

Born and raised right here in Deerfield by one of our very own MFCU members, Abbi is a proud local, and we’re pretty sure she’s already learned the credit union mantra: “People helping people.” But let’s face it, she’s mostly focused on “Puppies helping people smile.”
Abbi is set to visit our branches soon, offering personal consultations in exchange for belly rubs, ear scratches, and maybe a few treats. Rumor has it she’s a natural at customer service, and we’re betting she’ll get five stars in “cuteness.”
While Abbi has important responsibilities at home (like perfecting the art of napping), we’re confident she’ll still find plenty of time to make regular appearances at MFCU.

Welcome to the team, Abbi! We’re thrilled to have you “pawtrolling” the halls of MFCU.